What y'all think about JJ's new song low?
Bro, let it go ffs
Not mine . Thought it was funny
why did he even upload this😭
As people predicted....calling everybody haters now instead of taking accountability
Liverpool FC - 1 League title in 35 Years.
The new Champions League format is flawed. So who is it really for?
Things to do in Preston city centre other than drink?
Food choices needed !
Well that went terribly for the EDL
Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL is good
Is this your cat?
Possible scam/threat in St George’s
Hidden Matches: North Korea Are In Qualifers For The World Cup.
Shouldn’t they have Mo as top scorer instead of Haaland given that Mo is top in Assists as well? 🙄
Which version of ksi was better
Best Liverpool XI since 2000- Complete
Football as a game died when Pes was turned into Efootball
“Cricket is just baseball but European”
Can anyone id these signatures?
Penalty from the centre of the field.
Looking for places to play football casually
Bought the xshot lock blaster and the lock password is random, obtained from the orange qr code
What legal action do Liverpool need to take after this game?