Wotc deciding to cut "battlefield" from cards
What Japanese things are more popular in Latin America than they are in Japan?
Fingolfin's mug
My boyfriend told his friend he is turned off by my flat chest and compared me to my sister. I’m devastated.
Cycle of 1/2 Mana Value cards
Am i the only one who actually likes this format and thinks it currently has no major issues?
Spell Thrower
Is your country very Regional?
Why aren't political streamers popular in LATAM?
A pornografia DESTRUI minha vida!!!
How the hell did Isildur get the stone to Middle-earth that later ended up in Erech?
What do you think actually makes Balrogs so “powerful”?
I still don't understand why firearms aren't standard issue weapons in Noxus. Their military is willing to use demons, the undead, and chemical bombs, but guns are what's too unorthodox?
Need help in this lovely dangerous deck
Idea for a Selesnya steal creatures commander
Director of Failed Game Dragon Age the Veilguard now is employed at Wizards of the Coast
How do people feel about land destruction?
Some very simple plants vs zombies cards cause I was bored.
Dwarves in the Shire
Terrible Trader
Mono Black Aggro!?
Malicious Translation
First pauper deck looking for advice.