I told myself I was done buying..
[WTS] DD 14.5 ris iii w/ FSP
Who likes Norwegian Woodland?
I hear people get really upset when you modify Glocks 🤣
B King's A1 lower
AC-Unity mags
[WTS] Agency premier match M&P barrel (4.25"), Ameriglo Haven red dot
Decided to try out the "SRO at home"
What are your thoughts on aftermarket barrels? Any particular preferences?
Ops Core real or fake?
The first handgun I ever bought
Tactical High-Angle Operator Training (THOT) course. Finally a chance to use my desert tigers in the appropriate environment.
Plate sizing inquiry
M90 Glock
Block I is love, Block I is life.
tlr 7 hlx
This is cloneish, right?
How to reduce blow back with non-adjustable block?
How do a paint my gun?
All my stamps in one place
No thoughts, just vibes.
How often are we training?
Are Recce builds still cool?
USAID gave George Soros $260M of Taxpayers money
Leave it as is?