I came to a realization today after getting the DLC
Epistemology 101
What are the most popular meta-ethical accounts for utilitarians?
I see a stoned bear waving
Boringism. Boring things will save your life. Things outside of Boring make you feel really great and really bad. But Boring is peace. So do the boring thing😁
Is this game worth buying in 2025?
Thoughts on my final team?
Nobody Who Thinks Morality Is Objective Has A Coherent Description of What Morality Is
Thomism should not be granted a privileged position in representing Christianity to outsiders or resolving theological disputes between Christians due to its heavy reliance on Islamic thinkers
What are the primary motivations for thinking that propositions exist?
Christian -> Atheist -> Agnostic (my journey here)
Good evidence that is in no way predicted by a hypothesis
GPT Dialog about the problem of evil
Vatican says Arlington Carmelite nuns are ‘extinct’ in the eyes of Catholic Church
What flag is this?
Stay mad Diogenes, Plato was right
Is Aquinas’ fifth way very strong, weak, or do people just have no idea how to understand it?
Bought Moonbreon from my Friend!
Plane over TCU
$500M, 317-acre Willow Park development planned near west Fort Worth
Is your water bill awfully high?
Denying one more god
My love of life and partner of 8 years just left me, because im "too good for her". AMA
Catholic leader dismisses Arlington nuns from religious life. Could more legal action follow?