At what age did you start to feel “old”?
What’s celebrities look alike?
What is the worst mistake you do at work?
If you could have one item from a video game what would it be?
What’s the most toxic relationship depicted in TV or film?
What’s the best potato chip/savoury snack?
How does football work? What are the rules?
What's the worst thing about the country you live in?
What made the "weird kid" at your school weird?
Does the average American know all the 50 states of the nation?
What makes you interesting?
What is something the average person thinks is normal but you find strange?
What is the dumbest toy ever?
What's a food that other people love but you hate?
People who have changed political views, what happened?
What's the scariest scary movie that ever scared you?
what seems like a scam but is not?
Whats the worst job you have had?
what is the deepest (internet)rabbit hole you know of?
What’s a popular trend or belief that you just can’t get behind?
Why did they change how to teach math to elementary school kids?
Has anyone worked at META? How does it feel? Did you have any weird experiences?
What’s a moment from your past that makes you cringe every time you remember it?
What phone do you have and do you like it?
What do you do with leftover cereal?