Is there anyway to get more fodder ?
This is the first year I’ve ever had good pack luck. Around this time last year I had a mostly gold squad.
Who do I support and guess my age era ?
What a card! This free card evo is better than TOTY Carlos for only 75k
I feel like they are too good to be on the bench but I don’t know what to do 🥲
Cheers ea I already have his 92 WW
What is the best possible midfield partnership for my team?
We need more people like this in the community. I’m tired of these twats calling you credit card fc instead of just moving on.
What do yall know about this card? How good is it?
Got accused of being pay to win and "being arrogant over scripts"
I got a better team than U 🫵😭
Show us your teams after TOTY. Only packed 2, what about you?
Should I do Abilly?
Desperately need team help
Help me improve my team
Tell me a good replacement for Dias please I only have about 60k though
Real Madrid P&P
One league friendlies bout to go crazy 🥶
Help i got 80k
Which team is best?
TOTY has been fun. I run an RTG and being able to pull players like these is crazy to me
I’ve done the 82x20 110 times and here’s what I’ve got to show(+ team flex)
Look at how many TOTYS
No money spent 😉