YearIn.LoL 2024 is live | Time for your yearly recap
Rocket Grab | YearIn.LoL 2023 is live!
Year in lol 2023?
Riot's developer API have been completely broken for years
Early Game AFK : less than 2% of the games start with all players ready
Introducing YearIn.LoL - Your personalized League of Legends 2022 wrap-up
ive been swimming through 2022 (check out, fun site) - interactive map and tierlist maker, more features coming soon.
Riot is testing an affiliate program that allows creators to get paid if you buy content using their unique link
Riot is releasing an Affiliate program where creators can get paid if you use their unique link to purchase content
[Meta] As an aspiring Master Yi player, this sub is ridiculously low quality.
Tried the new UI? Please share your feedback here!
ELI5 : How are game engines made and why are they necessary for games and why are there so many of those?
Set 4.5 AMA with the TFT Devs and Friends!
I recently acquired a piece of League of Legends history, an original game server.
Mid-set updates that will include a reset
Valorant will temporarily ban cheaters computers from running the game
New Anti-Cheat system in LoL (and other upcoming Riot games)
League mobile leak.
Are you serious? I thought they fixed the no item issue??
9.10 Yi changes
Riot Novalas will eat a sock if Yi drops at least 4% win/r next patch
What happened to patch 9.1? Will it really be released to live on 23 January?
GDPR email handling in a nutshell
ELI5: How do you send push notifications to a mobile device?