H: reflective w: rangers x2 per
[XB1] H: tons of 4* mods W: Leaders
[xb1] h 4:star mods w:offer (no caps)
H: leaders, caps, mods W: Mr fuzzy tokens
[XB1] H: Responders Helm W: Leader Offer
[Xb1] H: Glowing uni W: TLC
H: Glowing uni W: TLC
Well, it finally happened after 7 years... I got scammed.
H: 10x sawbones. 5x Rangers. 5x Stabilizers. 5x aegis. 5x pounders. 5x Tanky. 5x Reflective. 5x rejuvenators. 2x pin-pointers W: Your offers
H: 2 reflective 2 rangers W: 100 leaders
H: Brahmin, Crazy Guy, Deathclaw, & Demon W: Glowing Mask
H: deathclaw mask W: 70 leaders
H: Glowing Abe W: Glowing Jack OBO
[Xb1] H: Glowing Abe W: Glowing Jack OBO
H: g pig, g sbq, g mino, g robot, g bd, g hb W: Glowy Abe
1st Fas w/ The Wife vs 2nd Fas w/ The Wife 🫶🏻
H: glow honey+add? W: glow blue devil
I found a little friend at the Goodwill Bins today.
H: leaders w: reflective mods
H: Enclave Forceful Stock W: Leaders 65 each, 120 for both
[Xb1]H: 5 rangers w: 125 leaders obo
H: 5 rangers w: 125 leaders obo
[Xb1] H: enclave mods W: leaders
[Xb1] H: Glowing Blue Devil W: rare apparel or leaders
H: Glowing Blue Devil W: rare apparel or leaders