I took 2.5 G’s my first time and need help
I took 450mg of edibles first time, will I be fine?
Question with anyone that has done doordash in town. Have you had any major issues? People canceling orders or people saying they didn’t receive food? Also do you make decent money? Looking to start doing doordash for some side money
ELI5: How do “cooled seats” in different cars work?
Anyone know what kind of sunglasses these are called? I really want a pair.
My girlfriend is leaving for college next fall. I still have one more year left of highschool. Any tips for when she leaves? Can I trust her?
My GF (18) is going to college next fall. Me (17) still has one year left of High school. Anyone with past experience have any tips on what to do in this situation?
Am I Gay?