What’s an Australian habit you thought was normal until you realized the rest of the world doesn’t do it?
My signed corporate role offer is withdrawn because I have Criminal record. I don't know what else to do...
Channel 9’s upcoming beat-up piece on schools/teachers
What happened on the 5SOS Bali trip in 2016?
What’s your placement horror story?
Being a felon in America fucking sucks
Prycyy LFT
ALGS Championship Win “Changes How People Look At Us” Says GoNext’s Hiarka
AITA for refusing to move so my gay husband doesn’t lose the love of his life?
i feel so bad for nrg
Why are women expected to work and do everything around the house?
I’m new to the game with tons of questions
Day In The Life of a CRT
Ideas on how to prevent animals from escaping but allow people through?
Dall sheep
2025 "plans"
What is Australia's most prestigious university?
Help me figure out animals for my witchy-fairy zoo
Animal Trading Too Expensive
When Should I Start my Franchise?
QLD teachers New maths curriculum
medical records on file
Suddenly I cannot start a new project on design space (app) without replacing and losing my previous project.
Young teacher; experiences
Did anyone's school required them to get permission slips signed by our parents in order to watch PG rated movies?