Sign Language Miku (by tenten)
Your last photo got Val interested
Say any number between 1-101 and I'll give you a song
Which Lyrics of a song you love do you scream everytime?
What’s a word or phrase that only your fandom (not EmKay) knows. I’ll start.
Can’t belive they thought they could hide this!
Tell me the instrument that you play
Who Is Your Lawyer?
Real talk which one's the best
Gangle being sad made us all feel like shit, but which one gives you the worst feeling?
Yay I got my daddy (take a look at my profile banner if you're not too sure who he is)
Day 106 of posting random Captain Sauce images (WERE BACK BABY)
it is not possible to spell out the sound this makes. (end of statement)
My Probably non biased opinion tier list (Please don't jump me)
Disc name
Ah... Normal people things..
What superpowers would Technoblade have?
Which song would you pick?
Since we finally saw all of the 7 deadly sins, which would you want as a parent?
Oh wow, i havent noticed this before..
Acording to you guys, who won?
Show me your best memes before 2024 ends, I'll go first.
Band memes I found in my camera roll
Show me your most recent emojis and I'll tell you how cooked you are