What is this (slightly) hidden little camp?
4080 super underperforming heavily
Citadel de Morts Guide
Repeated False Bpm Reading
The Circuit is legit the worst thing ever
Scared of Overhydration
My POTS flare ups have been at an all-time high this October.
Gut issues with Pots??
Anyone feel like their meds don’t work some days?
Do you grow out of POTS?
I Worked Out For Not Even Two Minutes
I’m getting real sick of bisoprolol
Help with grocery shopping
Can you guys handle foods at sometimes, and not other?
Flaring after not eating?
How accurate is apple watch’s heart rate monitor
What happens if your heart stays 100 for long
Apple Watch heart rate
How long do y’all’s hearts race after eating?
Things I miss doing before my POTS got worse
Need help gaining weight
(rant) I feel like all my progress is reversing
Long rounds of bigeminy when trying to sleep
Really struggling with HRR