How much energy do I need to finish the last island ?
Dart game - do you have normal dart game, or the ocean one with pearls?
Rainbow odyssé
The Oracle is back!!!
This is the medium difficulty version! And the chests Suck!
New home Island?!
Back to the 3 day event group for me
Gold Island 13 day
Has anyone finished gold island?
I’ve got cards to giveaway!
Shh! It's Starting!
Are the rewards on this island worth the energy spent?
Axe booster for 13 day event. 7:30 am EDT
Non 13 day BB
Red spade game
BBB blue box booster 2130 EDT
I’ve been using 3 days to finish the third Island, after going lost at dart game😅 So now I’m back to three totems, three doora and 8 sandunits for each shovels. Or do you all have that in Knowledge Harvest?
Reminder to use your birdie tokens!
Bird token booster popped up
Both Lizzie and birdie tokens at the same tima, and in the same chests? And the both bolyst last until tomorrow. Have you opened them? Are there both tokens and sand in them. I’m waiting for a booster to open.
Response to the 13 day event.
The weekly total on my daily tasks reset twice!!!!
Timed blue box
An 8 minute Booster. 4:30 pm EDT