Cates latest post… posted twice
Which of these Teen Mom boyfriends gives you the biggest ICK? 🤢
Where to watch
What are the songs you think are underrated on TTPD?
I can’t stop crying - Day 7
What song instantly takes you back to a moment in your Travels?
What's a city everyone told you not to go to that you ended up loving?
What are your absolute best travel hack?
Oh my lol 😆
Is this Tyler? 🤔 what y’all think
Y’all can call her Pimp C now!
Not only did Jenelle get another dog, but one who bites??? 😡
Ready Player Two
If you have ever walked out of a cinema because the film was so bad, what one was it?
Mackenzie talking to the officers
Have you been going back to movie theaters? Why or why not?
Kail PAID for her eyebrows to look like this 😂 😭
Unpopular opinions that you know make people mad… GO!!!
People who eat pizza with knife and fork why?
If you broke a leg and needed someone to take care of you which would you choose and why?
Ryan was arrested for harassment and possession of drugs
A baby name was leaked during Kail’s live…maybe baby named Elijah Rio??
What show did you start and wound up hating so much you didn’t finish it?
Chelsea's bathroom "Before & After"
news on Cory and Taylor's baby...