Had a dream where I was with Jesus Christ and he was sending me go battle
First clean game
Anybody else hug your pillow to fall asleep?
A few pages from my sketchbooks
Wrist pain when playing
Assign me lots of labels please
What’s your favourite and least favourite Syn solo?
pause to see who will be in the Super Bowl next year (can anyone get an NFC South team first try?)
Best routine
Opinion on FIR
Can i play Liebestraum n 3??
Rainy day
Creepiest, scariest, most horrible movie yall know?
Which one would you buy between Steinway model M and Yamaha CF6
would you still listen to "buried alive" if it featured sabrina carpenter vocals?
Syn lead guitar
Someone write a manual pls
Is it ok to take lessons from another teacher?
Hoc habeo, quodcumque dedi (I have what I gave), Enjoy Bach Fugue n 10 in E minor BWV 855 from WTC1
A Poem of Love
The Surgeon
They found you at a table - From Poems of a Drowning world / unsure if it is nsfw
Chopin finale on a bad piano
Not that i have the balls anyways