Blue mineral and black rock?
Russian Proficiency Exam
Nurse dies as Uganda confirms new Ebola outbreak
This is 100% flat farmland. Several years ago I snapped this pic out of the plane window in Eastern CO. The snow drifts and melt on the crops had created an illusion of endless cubism.
я рад ситуации
How does this happen?
Learn russian effectively
Best Russian language immersion — outside of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus — in Europe?
Тест состоит из 2 задания.
having trouble w this sentence
etymological disappointment of the day
день - Уимблдон
я не понимаю это
остаться = находится ?
What does the red writing say?
Queens vs UBC
What are the most illogical things in Russian, in your opinion?
приносит vs носит
дух vs душа
соглашение vs согласие