Anonymous is back
Odd jobs in retirement
Standard personal finance “rules” that don’t make sense over a certain NW / track to FIRE?
How do I get rid of this?
People who quit their high-paying jobs to pursue happiness—how did it turn out?
Daily discussion thread for {{%a, %B %d, %Y}}
Mark Zuckerberg to employees in leaked all-hands meeting: ‘buckle up’
Owners of 100k+ cars, how was your financial journey and how did you justify the purchase?
35M, $4.4M - Considering large house upgrade
Do things really start to explode after 100k invested?
Need a BIFL 20L stock pot.
Using wealth to relocate a young family for a specific reason?
should someone making 200k/yr really have 400k in their 401k at 35?
We hit 100k Chubbs! To celebrate tell the story to your first $100k
Goals for 2025
Goals for 2024
What’s an NSFW tip you know?
31M & 31F, 3.9M Liquid, 180k Annual Spend w/ 50k Rental Net Income
One year update
Weekly discussion thread for December 01, 2024
Real estate crash
Where are you at, at 35?
Retirement Savings to support 180K a year spend
Has anyone willingly left the FatFIRE track?
Crossed 3M