[TOMT] Bizarre childrens show (early 2000s?)
If you had to spend $100 in the next 10 minutes, what would you buy?
Where do you cum when masturbating?
Describe the type of guy you are attracted to?
Your number one UHD upgrade wish?
Help me find kids TV show
Harrison’s Departure
PSA for those considering Magnesium supplements for sleep!
30-Something Nightlife
Fallon’s gonna have an affair with Ed while Harrison’s away, calling it now
365 today. Can I get a hoyeah?? 👉🥹👈
FKA Twigs' new track Keep it, Hold It gives me big Kate vibes. Anyone else?
Write down your favorite Kate Bush song. You guys can rate each others too.
I might not have the fancy box that alot of you all have, but I am ecstatic to finally own this collection...
I'm hating David's post 70s albums
In which order should you watch the three colors trilogy?
just moved to a new place and got my shelf up!
Does the 2012 Les Mis movie with Hugh Jackman do justice to the original musical?
Did I ruin my 5 years of sobriety? It was an accident and my therapist said yes, it did ruin it.
A24 doin their own CC
1 Year Anniversary Giveaway ($75 in Amazon Gift Cards!)
mysterious boxset
Alan Sugar labels Brexit the 'biggest disaster of my lifetime'