Kinda busy today
Best move?
Vengeful spirit pos 3
Light gets everyone’s names (insta: mangagaka_)
Ok who put the bocconcini in freezer
One two shake shake
On a ramp
how to get the last missing token ?
Need minigame help (26/27)
Always fun to see these massive veggies
Time spent using this machine: 5mins/ Time spent cleaning it: 30mins
How much should i charge?
mY kiTTeN iS eATIng mE aLivE
Luffy's current state
To catch the mouse
What's your favourite position that you've found your cat sleeping in?
Cursed_NY car
Coming out of hell. Now I can ping abilities and flame allies again, and the cycle continues...
Matchmaking bug?
Who is the most role flexible hero and why?
Was trying to make most out of this stormday, wasn’t the brightest idea xD
Black toonies
Playing dota after years see a new hero and now she helped me climb from guardain to archon <3