Sharp stabbing pains 40 weeks today
How often do you have sex while pregnant?
Best HYSA? Highest percentage.
Where are you shopping for baby clothes?
Newborn parents that are doing formula….
How much is in your 401K & what’s your age?
What is your top 3 priorities in life right now?
Ignoring everyone asking me if I had baby yet….
Sbarro is Still in Springfield Mall?
Students who were in “lower” classes in middle school, what are you doing now?
Best Chicken/Tuna Salad
What age were you during your first pregnancy?
39 weeks elective induction
Flu while pregnant
Can I get fired for using PTO for the flu?
I could scream. This has been a really hard week. Need to vent
Sick while pregnant is TORTURE
39 weeks pregnant with flu
Could I be in labor?
Why is it so awkward telling people you're pregnant?
Rash on feet during pregnancy?
Anyone have a healthy baby when they were sick right before labor?
Strong, beautiful, classic girl names that you think is underused??
Pregnant at 38 weeks and sick, have an induction for next week at some point and have a toddler at home— help?!
Has anyone ever delivered with a cold?