I've been trying to help my buddy find a date - single men are doomed.
Twitter is the most racist and anti-semetic place ever
i hate being trans in this world.
Stamina is too low too slow
"Woke" has lost all meaning
Why do my shorts stop getting views at around 100?
What’s your “I did not care for the godfather” Tyler take?
DAE have trouble taking people seriously when they start referencing *Christ* in every single conversation?
People on reddit are so fucking mean
You didnt cook bro
Cap 4 Reviews are split as far as I’ve seen
Brave New World Was Flawed but Extremely Entertaining
Anyone else hate commentary youtubers?
You are not
Everyone on this damn app are assholes and uses opinions as a cover-up
We just not giving a fuck anymore?
What do you do during the Pledge of Allegiance
I hate Trump and all of his supporters (including my own family members)
do it:)
my map of where i would live
i swear yall be calling people MAGA who arent even MAGA
The revolution will not be televised.
Why does the animosity to men on Reddit feel like a psyop?
Why are Italians so ridiculous about food?
Sweat skins are so annoying and people need to start picking their own