Nuzlocke IQ-Meter
The entire western development team of Marvel Rivals was just laid off. No jerk here, this just sucks.
The more I read about the H3H3 vs. HasanAbi slop, the more I support punitive justice.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 GAMEPLAY predictions
defeatism is a sure-fire way to screw yourself over, one way or another
How long did it take Marx to write Capital because damn it's so well written
Mainline FF chronological game order
Junon's security is...strange
turned into a true Maoist after this one
G*ming is the copium of the liberals
Yakuza 6 is great but I don't like Nagumo
Bonus: Fixes/Replacements
Liberals are in outrage
I..I can't believe it...
偶尔画一下厚涂 artwork by (fukurau)
Why subject 16 is so insane
Did Marx change his views on the peasants?
Travelling in China and I'm a little disappointed with Communism.
Immensely disappointed with Advent Children 4K
Assassin's Creed 1 spoiled the entire franchise for me ngl
The FFVII Rebirth hate towards its “ubisoft style” open world drowned out what it did right.
Things just got ugly for Jelloapocalypse because Oda's bravest soldier has entered the battlefield
How do religions become petite bourgeois/ bourgeoise dick riding machines?