Spider pug 🎶 does whatever a spider pug does
Did you ever notice the lisp
Extra crispy
Everyone can go home, I have made the perfect loaf
Joined the clan
Choose your protein source
Should I shave the beard?
That’s Not What I Asked For: Part 2
School uniforms are so expensive these days
Don’t overthink it
Did you bring the stick?
I’ll make you a deal
Am I Turtley Enough For The Turtle Club?
You're gonna think about me now AND later
What for a happy family....even the mail-men agrees.......do you get the joke?...
Some people need a roadmap
Pulling up 5 minutes before the restaurant closes
Part of a complete breakfast
Happy Valentine’s Day
I'll just leave these here. ✌️
Happy Valentine’s
Schtare into my eyesch!
Don’t the French have a word for this?