What’s a gross thing most people do but no one will admit to it?
What’s one habit you picked up that drastically improved your physical health?
You swap lives with the last anime character photo you saved, what’s life gonna be like for you?
Hogyan lehet jól csinálni egy párkapcsolatot szerintetek?
Honnan tudod, hogy készen állsz szakítani a partnereddel?
Why does everyone dislike the iPhone’s keyboard?
How many phone cases do you own at the moment?
Healthcare and science are kinda advanced today. How is it possible that there is still no consensus about the healthiest diet for humans?
A gyász megölte az érzéseimet
Post your favorite plush of all
Gyász folyamata - mikor mondhatom azt, hogy elég?
Please introduce me to the Sylvanian families
Türelmetlen apa
Why does Apple Music sometimes not display the animated covers?
Naptejjel kapcsolatos aggályok
Just a thought
If life matters so much, why isn’t healthcare free globally? Why should money determine who gets to live?
What anime character did you have a crush on as a kid?
Mit lehet kezdeni a szorongással, hogy elküldenek próbaidő alatt/végén?
Lehet bajom, ha valahonnan megtudja a munkahelyem, hogy elkezdtem másik helyet keresni?
How to resolve the guilt of not having spent more time together?
Munkakeresési reménytelenség
Which language learning app could take the throne from Duo in 2025-2026?
Has anyone else seen a decrease in the activity of our generation on social media?
Lucy is listening is not hard enough