Outdoor Gear Store?
Burbank, your Verdugo Mountains
Overnight hike close to LA not impacted by fires
What's considered rude/disrespectful in your country that tourists should be aware of?
Recommendations for local news online?
Hike to Coon Creek Cabin 01/19/2025
Anyone think it's a bit crazy to try and do all of Joshua Tree's CHRT trail (36.4mi) in 2 days, 1 night?
Mount Wilson is ok!!
Carless or low mobility Burbankers, I will pick up/bring you donations
Most of my spots burned down and I'm kinda depressed about it.
There’s no evacuation warning for central Burbank right?
I hiked 100 SoCal trails in 2024
How did Henry take showers?
I asked my hair to cooperate for one the best days of my life–thank god it did!
30+ mile, multi day hike in so cal?
What is the most overrated food you're convinced people are just pretending to enjoy?
Nathan and the bbysitter
How was hitchhiking for you?
Sad news about Keller Peak Fire Lookout Tower
Keep San Gabriel River East Fork clean. Where are the "influencers" youtubers, instagramers, and tiktokkers that recommended this place? I don't see their influence to clean the area.
Why is this subreddit so redundant?
What are you proud to say you have done?
Detail: Among Delilah's desk decor is a potted Indian paintbrush (AKA Prairie fire), the official state flower of Wyoming. The reason it caught my eye is because I've also seen this flower bloom in recovering burn areas.
I did 30 hikes in 3 months, here's some highlights