Today's Hooligans are tomorrow's Administrators?! (Alternative title- ORN ke lafde)
found it somewhere and thought of sharing it with my fellow aspirants; god bless amen !
What’s One Mistake in Your UPSC Preparation That You Regret the Most?
Feeling really bad for this guy ngl. I know this sub is not "entirely correct" for this but is anything possible? People who are working in government department, can you tell me how severe is this situation?
My dad got convicted of Corruption case
Drishti IAS posts Rs 405 Cr revenue and Rs 90 Cr PAT in FY24. Any thoughts on this?
Saw this on X 💀
They are literally taking bath in each other's Sh!t.
dropping out after one attempt (21 f, tamilnadu)
C@st€!sm plus Drone technology. Wow.
Your average Joe IAS/IPSs in UP... And their antics... 🤣🤣
Please suggest few good direct availabile on Groww
Is IAS the best way to enter Indian politics for commoners with non political background?
Does anyone have an inside scoop on how much I can get paid for answer evaluations? I have given one mains.
Your Opinion on all the three topics presented in those images.
Caste Discrimination in Modern India
PwD candidate cured of disability after success in MPPSC results
Suggest book for general reading related to culture
Are the lives of IAS officers really as hectic as rumoured ?
History Sources for GS
How is UPSC interview panel not corrupted ?
What is your POV on this? Misuse of power or Served Right?