Hard time getting up in the morning
Good night sleep guaranteed
Pick next BSD peep please:
Try 20 mg then 30mg... uhm how?
How does Vyvanse compare to Concerta?
Age Fifteen Dazai and PM Fine Art
Dazai is a bad person for slapping X but...
Grundschulzeugnisse ADHS Diagnose
Let's talk about which BSD character's height is equal to yours!
Squishy Akutagawa and Dazai
BSD Scrap book
I'll add Sticky notes to mark my favorite manga panels... Vol. 16, 20 and 22:
Unable to read music sheets
ADA Salary
What’s your morning routine like w ADHD?
Visiting Greece for two weeks in april
Fell asleep after taking Focalin
Why aren’t you medicated?
Kitten only uses Toilet with a towel in it
Why are Russians so good at chess?
Tips mit dem umgang von den Medikamenten?
Can't only occasionally uses litter
Tips for taking medication?
Perfume with Peach scent?
Let's take less-developed characters and fill in the blanks with headcanon! Next up: Midnight (Nemuri Kayama).