Movie title in Spain. ¿Cómo se titula en Perú?
Is this cheating?
[Meme] What game was this for you?
Trying to find a game for pc.
Place your bet for the next Tales Remastered Project
The fact that this 4DP character can transform into arguably the best character in the game is stupid
Is this game still active on steam... ?
Graces Wii
People keep finding ways to mess with the game from Soa_nya on twitter
Bandai Namco Inconsistency on anime games
The merchandising you were waiting for (I want Luka's model)
What is the difference between the PS1 and PSP versions of Tales of Eternia?
Best rhythm idol game
I need help with stages
I love this thing
Dónde se pueden comprar máquinas arcade de los 80, 90 originales en Perú?
Ok idk if this is the proper place but I need answers.
Some Grade farming
Did anybody else notice this? (Or is this obvious and I'm stupid?)
Why I know Shionne is the best healer in the series
not working??
How are you meant to beat magna Carta?
Does anyone remember Mini Fighter?
Custom modules in F/F2ND?
Dualsense triggers not working