MMW The tech billionaires will assassinate drumpf to enforce their fascism, blaming it on the left
Hit target last night and got lucky gonna hit some more when I get out of work today
28 to 42, How am I doing?
15 euros
My Lifeguard Tifa cosplay attempt ^.^
5 months in, this is easily my favorite game of all time
Guess what I bought an hour before the servers went down?
A father shows his son the video game he grew up on.
Sources state that the cat is in therapy
Is my girlfriend wrong for talking to and trying to meet up with a guy she kissed 6 months ago?
29m, just moved into my new apartment.
Another Nitrado post
Can i get some tips?
this is why i don’t socialize
What can I do to improve
FF VIII is on sale right now, is it worth getting?
Which movie is that for you?
My first n64 and the start of my retro gaming collection
I messaged her bf too much?
Curious, what is a hot take about your favorite video game franchise you have that will have you like this?
Do protein shakes count towards daily protein intake?
3ds XL Price
Do Liberals really have a chance?
Working on having an above water feature for a shallow pond and terrestrial plants, how would I prevent this?
What did I do wrong