First Pair of Jordan’s. Any thoughts?
CarPlay Question
(Controversial take maybe) In my opinion, the Symphony version of Live & Learn is the best version of the song.
Why does Playnite block Certain SteamGrid Images? Can I evade this?
How are these benchmarks? Im positive there good but I wanna hear hear your guys' thoughts..
What’s your “I did not care for the Godfather” of Mario?
What’s your “I did not care for the Godfather” of Nickelodeon?
How do I clean this residue off CD Case?
You can only pick one
Sound issues
Game Code Giveaway: Steam $50 eGift Card!
How are my specs? I don’t wanna hear about any upgrades, I like what I have right now.
Jesus H. Tap dancing Lord
Slinky needs some TLC. Both ending elements not working
What is the number beside the Reddit username?
Is it normal my Wii is making loud noises when playing Gamecube Games.
This price came off the motherboard, can I reattach it?
This price came off of a SFC motherboard, can it be reattached?
Is this disc rot?
What font is this logo? I was never able to find it
Monthly Update June-July
Sonic fans, what song (or songs) make you go like this?
Power Adapter Questoon
It’s a shame that we lost some cool stuff from the original Wii U update