braviary 625118887621
i need 1 tundra friend im begging 625118887621
Just started last month… searching for Friends to share gifts etc ☺️
tundra & ocean pls add me 625118887621
Trying to get shiny Vivillon, Sandstorm area, will try to send as many gifts as we can :)
yvetal shiny?? 625118887621
mega garchomp!!!! 625118887621
i need friends for plat medal
bombirder 625118887621
yvetal 625118887621
yvetal shinyy?? 625118887621
rainy enamorus 625118887621
Enamorus 625118887621
hoopa + 1 625118887621
hoopa hundooo last chance 625118887621
hoopa ina few 625118887621
hoopa hundooo?? 625118887621 cloudy wb
625118887621 i’ll invite everytime
hoopa 625118887621 i’ll invite every 30 min
hoopa!!! let’s get hundooo 625118887621
hoopa 625118887621
hoopa let’s get hundoooo 625118887621