H: glowing uni W: responder set of offers
H: glowing uni W: responder set or offers
H: Fas masks W: 50-90 leaders per
H: glowing Abe W: Glowing Veggie man + one of the masks listed below
H: glow veggie W: Abe or jack
H: hag W: fiend mask ( don’t mind adding some stuff )
H: veggie glowing mask W: Abe glowing mask
H: Gabe W: offers including responder set or glowing veggieman
[H:] Caps [W:] 2x 3* Lightweight mods
H:leaders W:3 unyielding box mods
Anyone running a private world I could join?
H: glowing Abe W: old glows from last fasnacht offers
H: non glow big foot mask W: 1 leader
H: deathclaw mask W: caps
H: non glow Bigfoot W: 20 leaders obo
H: non glow jacko W: 5 leaders
H: 20 leaders W: 40k caps
H: tse 419 the dragon W: leaders or apparel
H: leaders W: to join someone’s private world for event
H: Leaders W: Non Glowing Bigfoot
Just want to wish everyone luck this fasnacht!
H: 1.7mil fuel W: any offers
H: max W: 15 leaders
H: max W: any flux besides violet ( will pay up to 500 per flux )
H: Below W: 4Scanners 5Overeaters