Izzy getting pulled from HS
The way Catelynn’s face just glowed listening to Brandon and Teresa talking during their first meeting
Doppelgänger 😳
Izzy dating a 20 year old is wild
Great advice for all wrestling parents.
Did we miss this??
How likely is it that you’ll get your top duty station?
The entitlement these people have 😤😤😤😤
Hogan asking Bam to smell his shitty beer
Student abruptly disenrolled…
Another installment of Tea spill Friday !!
How I think Spy family will end
Best touch screen computer for Roblox and other kids games
Snaggletooth izzy
Wow he’s actually looking super healthy these days
Joey freaking out when TT went dark…
Hoey’s now deleted MAGA post
2.5 hour quiet time for preschooler
Is spy×family watchable for an 8/7 year old?
What’s the worst lunch you’ve ever seen packed for a kid?
Anime’s like spy x family and manga question
This is scary
Her replies
Why is this like the 3rd video she has mentioned she is “on pain meds and snapchatting people & has no idea what she was saying” like she is so proud? Its so weird. We get it you have been on drugs from your surgery and saying weird stuff to people…