We brought this cutie home 4 weeks ago and still can't find a name for her! Looking for short names suggestions
My cat HATES to be picked up and I need some guidance
What will they ask me in the adoption interview?
My cat passed yesterday of cancer - 15
Losing my cat tomorrow. I've never felt anything like this before
Ms Kitty (16) is crossing the rainbow bridge.
My Kitkat (16) is scheduled for her big sleep tomorrow 🕊️
Quelles sorties culturelles à Montréal me recommanderiez-vous?
Facial sunscreen recs?
Is it fine to coat your entire body in hand sanitizer
My mom's giant monstera 😍
How graphic/gory are Grady Hendrix's books?
RA/CRC/CRA working in Quebec, Canada
My 15 yr old baby, Kit Kat 😻
A Thank you & request for further advice please for eczema on hands!
Sapphic/wlw romance recs?
I like clinical research, but HATE being a CRC. Advice for a looking for an alternative job?
Fizz data to give away
Not sure why my Chinese money plant is losing leaves
Repotted my Triostar and she’s so much happier
Does my fishbone cactus need more light?
Is this a carpet beetle? I just found a bunch of these on the floor in my living room.
Taking my drivers test in 30 minutes
Drove by myself for the first time!