What game would you remaster with a player base even better than before?
Why aren’t you asleep rn?
How can people hate Cecil man
What really fucks you up as you grow older?
Why do they keep confusing us with the next generation who are the worst to manage as adults?
What is the best game you've ever played that few people have ever heard of?
If you work a 9-5 office job, what does your day typically look like?
Do any of you weirdos also wake up each morning and have a different song stuck in their head?
I, an older millennial, have been in the work force for 20 yrs. Ya'll, I am tired.
Does anyone else feel like we were lied to about... everything important?
Your thoughts about Logan film?
If you were to eat only one fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Fuck it, I'm team butcher. And no one can convince me otherwise.
So many sticks... so little time...
Trash left by MSG Trump rally goers in NYC
Excuse me?
April's fool event idea
What’s your favorite horror movie kill?
Do you fear death? Why / Why not?
What makes you CRINGE every time you hear someone say it?
What is one hill that you will forever die on?
Do you think braces will be in the game?
Any advice on completing this build?
Idea for his name?