Anyone experience this before?
Mechanic Said I Need New Brakes. Is He Trying To Rip Me Off?
worrying about my sonata 2014
Quick Question
Valve cover or worse?
2014 Kia Forte Won’t Start…
Overfilled my engine oil today
2.5L Duratec clicking/knocking sound
Santa Fe key fob broke
Key stuck in ignition?
Does anyone know what was the first show to reference Breaking Bad?
Kudos to My Hyundai Dealership
2013 Hyundai Elantra Compression Test
What could be the issue?
Think it’s a goner?
Car won’t start
Engine help I don’t know what the issue is
What is this clip?
LS400 Timing belt job/won’t start
Car now being weird
Engine Oil Consumption Lawsuit
171k miles on my 2015 sonata 2.4, wondering if timing chain is a maintenance item, or should it last lifetime of the engine?
2010 barely blowing Air AC
I hate all yall
Somebody was asking about calibrating Harbor Freight tools