No comment 💀
You WILL play hero shooter with special abilities on cooldown and you WILL clap - Tripwire
M.E.A.T 2.0 Show case looks away better than in game and the body doesnt just fly, am i tripping?
Opinion about beta after 12 hours (playing ninja only)
IMO kf3 got some things right , but one thing i think they should try and recapture is the "impactful feeling" when shooting a gun
So what if the gameplay is mediocre and looks like a mobile game? Their store is juiced and ready to go! /s
I like DS2 but the fans be so annoying it makes me like the game less by proxy
PSA Machine guns do NOT shoot over your heads
The REAL Stratagem Tier List
Found a funny exploit. If you swap between equipments you can get infinite numbers of them and create nebulas in your base
Historic slip-up
Nice argument, unfortunately I'm happy and you're angry, therefore I win
“ My comabt largely revolve around one action “
hope core?
Soulsborne becoming this bastion of “anti-woke” to these people, despite the fact it has everything they consider “woke” is funny
New to this sub posting “Two greens fighting over Femboys at the end of Recluse and getting 20k upvotes
the evolution of ds2 players
Don't bully the Fartdivers
Losercity Pièce de Résistance
Average gloom mega nest experience
Until it what?
Ds2 won the argument
When the climate change