Wanna share Spotify profiles?
Songs about letting someone go because you love them and it's better for them than being together?
What movies have made you cry?
What’s everyone’s favourite songs
Looking to exchange some music!
Suggest songs that will break me.
Let’s share playlists and recs
Need underrated songs to add to this playlist.
Songs that makes you think of the meaning of life
recommend me songs/albums that is NOT sad
Dark, jazzy, mellow songs/artists to recommend ?
Recommendations for songs to drift through space to?
Recommend me any songs
The perfect partner for those lonely nights
Looking for some new music!
World Music (Hidden gems)
Recommendations for long weird beautiful songs
Drop some of the playlists you’re most proud of!!
Any current song recommendations?
Anyone wanna share playlists?
Who are these followers??
Suggest a song, I‘ll rate it out of 10
Can you tell me whats wrong with this "indie" Playlist?
[Pop] Songs for the road