Tell me a cartoon that you loved but no one else liked it much(let me start)
Why Are You Guys Still Awake?
opinion on this???
Better than PUBG and FREEFIRE
Tell me ur guilty pleasure u all
What is your favourite guilty pleasure anime?🌚
Is the world moving too fast or skill issue
I like coffee
I might be ugly
Wanted to post this on valentines but forgot...anyway how's it?
Religious extremists assaulting literally kids on Valentine's day .. what a beautiful culture of india 🥰
In love with Pussies
Am I cooked?
Suggest good anime now.....
Which one is better?
fuck all valentines day shit, which is ur favourite laddoo
Benny’s mad
If you could go back in time and give yourself any 1 advice what will it be
Genuinely curious!
What’s everyone listening to rn?
Answer dishonesty