Josh is disgustingly obsessed with Kyra
Losing my mind
Can someone tell me what to use these for??
If someone gave you $10,000 but you must spend it by January 1st what would you spend it on?
Has anyone tried Quietude with their baby? Need reviews!
Nothing makes me more upset than when people do not understand that I cannot afford Christmas gifts.
My son (8m) scratches his head until it bleeds after I take off his helmet. Any reason? How can I heal them?
Family Friendly ?
I (24F) have a GFR of 74. It went down by 20 in 3 months. Is this a concern?
I (24F) had a GFR of 97 in August. Today my GFR is 74. Is this a concern?
Where do you see yourself in 5 hours?
Do I pull the plug or fight for our new family? I need advice. (Long post)
What are your thoughts on porn in a relationship? Is it cheating?
Do I leave or fight for my new family? I need advice. Long post.
Do I leave or fight for my family? I’m at a loss. Long post.
The name of your child
Spicy Tropical Fusion
How do I use this record player table?
How do I use the old Motorola solid state record player
Please help :( what is my hair!!
[24/M] in search for friends and chats!
Did I mess up by getting baby bangs? Please be honest
You get a dog but you have to name it after the last thing you ate. What is it's name?
Moms, what was the best meds you ever took if you had ocd, depression, adhd and anxiety?