Holy hell this shit is good it taste like liquified pink starburst (technically not soda but then wtf is it)
DAE feel extremely weak after a few days of restricting?
Eating routine/ritual questions
Idk how people with ED’s consume so much caffeine
Tripping balls off the shroomies. Trying this reign as a regular ghost drinker and boy it’s scrumptious
did anyones burping change from undereating
I Think my Body is Shutting Down?
Do you all drink alcohol?
Boss just told me she doesn’t feel ok with me working my physical job with dogs anymore. I’m so stuck on what to do.
TV shows
I hate anorexia. I hate my life. I truly understand why many anorexics die at their own hands now
Tomorrow is my Birthday and Valentines Day, and I hate it
Anyone put their drink on ice?
Which are you grabbing?
I said fuck it
Does Anyone Still Eat Pistachio Ice Cream?
how much does ED affect your life?
Has anybody been able to sleep with no medication after building up a tolerance/been able to reverse a tolerance?
Literally the best coping skill when it comes to my ED and OCD thoughts
sweating and shaking due to hunger?
I went overboard on the GNC B2G1. Which ones you like?
High af and I feel like this flavor bouta buss ass 😋🤤
Logically knowing what’s happening but can’t emotionally handle change
oh no! it's the consequences of my own actions😭
My doctor finally messaged me about my lab results… it’s bad