How old is Emily supposed to be in And Then There Was One (S2E16)?
I want a bachelor who doesn’t tolerate drama
Do you force your kids to stand for the pledge?
What movie actually made you cry from laughing so hard?
Which episode or scene made you cry, or at least brought a tear or two to your eyes?
Who do you think wore it better? 👀
Just had a terrible mid year meeting.
What's a privilege only unattractive people have?
After working as a teacher, are there any names that you would never call your child? Or that you absolutely adore?
Good or bad, what is your earliest memory?
Who didn't deserve the amount of hate they got?
There are two types of people in this world. Who are they?
What is something that most people around you care about but you absolutely do not?
Realistically speaking do you think you can survive red light green light?
New student mid-year who knows frighteningly little about…anything really
dorothy’s daughter kate
Best Chinese takeout?
What year did you complete your teacher preparation program, and what percentage of your classmates do you believe are still working as teachers?
I received my orders from Amazon but haven’t been charged for it
Had a 16 year old student tell me today she doesn't know how much a quarter is worth.
Where do you see yourself in 5 hours?
If you needed a good laugh today…
If you could delete an intersection from the Cleveland area, which one would it be and why?
What’s something from your childhood that kids today will never experience?
Which culture’s food (that is not your native) do you most enjoy?