I don't care about the dwarves on Avishkar, where are my gremlins at?!
Never underestimate a solo Rampart..
How am I gonna manage to get ghost curse with my disability?
The Most Infamous Big, Bad Threat?
Step aside soyboys, the real Gamers have entered the building.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I just bought this card, can I keep it?
What to Use as Sac Fodder?
This made me physically cringe
What are your favorite mono-color commanders?
Proxying is not the be-all end-all solution to every pod’s problem
Why are there any humans still living on Innistrad??
Asked a guy playing a stack deck what his wincon was; "ohh, my wincon is that you guys cant play the game anymore, I'll tell you when that happens"
It do be like that
First Night at the LGS
Old man sleeping with his paw resting on the baby
i didn’t make this but real damn
MECHAGON'S WACKY RACE - An introduction to Accelerate, a new keyword
Xenomroph Custom cards for Sliver Legendaries
What do i do if my enemy plays this in the 4TH TURN
Legendary Insect/ Mention Insect Chart
What are some jokes/teases you like to use during a game?
Got asked to leave LGS because my proxy was "inappropriate"
Lgs body odor
Who wants to join
[DFT] Aatchik, Emerald Radian (WeeklyMTG)