Sunk at 500m
JTL: Radiant VII
JTL: Grand Admiral Thrawn
JTL: Director Krennic, Shuttle ST-149, Landing Shuttle
Hey everyone this might be a stupid question but I’ve seen these on leatherman multi tools and other brands but have no idea what it’s for and I’m wondering what is it used for?
Judge my deck/ share your opinion please
Hotel I'm staying in with my mum has the shower open to the entire room
Can this be OP ?
I have never had such high honor
What's your og deck you've got 18 different versions of?
Horrible Twilight of the Republic pull rates
Craziest SOR reprint box?
Surprise Strike vs Shoot First
Legendary Pull
Are you…Compassionate? Steadfast? Disaffected? Independent?
Top 8 Leiden Coverage
Star Wars Unlimited Planetary Qualifier | Quarter-finals | Palpatine vs Rey | Diverse Top 8 Meta
[COTD] Boba Fett, Collecting the bounty
Set 3 Jango Green deck
TWI Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious- Playing both sides
Got an excuse
Silly Gimmicks and Shenanigans
Shore leave