I hope that ranked rework will help
Would you want a Shadow the Hedgehog movie? What would you want it to be about?
What are some of the most misheard lines in the game?
Your favorite sonic art style?
For those who play with sound on, what is the legendary skin with the best voice lines in your opinion?
Umm.... no.
Fav sonic 3 line?
Iam not buying meeple so I don't waste my credits when the season ends , and you should too
I am sorry these pigs look bad as hell
Shoutout to Netease for all the free skins
People of brawl reddit, what are the skin you guys want to get?
Who in the world is this red guy? Wrong answers only
How is the first contest going for you guys?
What do you think About Sonic 3 Movie
I'm new to the series, which of these games should I start with?
What’s your biggest complaint of movie 3? Spoilers in replies!
Those two games really got shafted in SxSG
Argue in the comments about which Sonic TV Show is the best. I'll wait.
Say “Edgar” and let your keyboard finish the sentence (Image unrelated)
Who became your main that you never thought would?
IMO Meeple should get redesigned
Thoughts on brawl talk
How's your skin progress in AVD season so far ?
What default emote do you use
I have not seen or heard anything about the new game please describe it to me in the worst way possible