How good of a person is Chris
How good of a person is Ashley
How good of a person is mike
What if Sam went after hannah
Which character will you ALWAYS defend?
Describe the makkapetew in one word
Describe billy bates in one word
If Doomsday takes after the beginning of Infinity war what heavy hitter would you like to see Doom beat to show off his power?
What’s the scariest moment in until dawn in your opinion
Which Dull Machete hurts the most?
Who's your least favorite chef? I'll go first.
Why did josh target chris the most
Describe dr hill in one word
What's a head canon you have for one of the killers
Unable to use the search bar
What was the video that introduced you to dead meat?
Describe the stranger in one word
I don’t care what anyone says if Captain Carter wasn’t in what if I wouldn’t have even cared about watching it and all my favourite episodes were the ones with Captain Carter in them
What is the goofiest thing Michael has ever done in the entire franchise?
I didn't know Sam was a singer
Anyone remember this gem of a song from Cinderella 3?
Does Candyman make you top ten favorite slashers list?
My ranking of all the prologues of supermassive games
Describe wolfie in one word
Describe Hannah in one word
Looking back at this, I can see why they didn’t think Hannah would run away into the woods since they all play pranks on each other