Was sick of using mono-teams for Clash, so I took a few hours to come up with this list and ended up missing the whole event :( So just wanted to share with you guys for future Clashes
To celebrate 10 years of Dokkan, share some of your best and worst memories with this game!
Who would you build 1st mainly for pvp?
coworker pulled out his old binder collection…
Where does all the expatriates hang out in Singapore?
Do I cuss too much?
Was anyone innocent besides Holly?
Fire Twin Angels or Tetsuya?
Make the comments look like frontman's search history.
Pretend that S3 came out and that you saw the finale.What did you think of it? (SATIRE ANSWERS ONLY!)
max speed swift 😈
Saw those "never stop gambling" posts so I decided to try one last time.
Made this for my own PC, so just wanted to share with you guys!
Ngl, The SW animators goated again! they hard carry this game fr.
I saw this post 11 minutes after it was posted, while it had 11 comments
UPDATE: I got access to my boyfriend’s account. What are some pranks I can pull?
(Spoilers) The Big Breaking Bad Survey
“I f*cked Ted.”
Here's my dream units to clear Abyss in the future. What is the best team you can make right now with just Archons?
My collab monster wish, what's yours?
Why more collabs so soon?
70 10 year old scrolls in a row not a single lightning
Event Now Available: Mavuika's New Year Greetings
Show me the Character you'll be ending this year off with as your profile.