Before you scroll through my profile: Have a text wall about me.(It changes.)
Killer of Horrors
God, vassals... Am I right?
Why does everyone want to... he's just a child... why?
Well trained dog
Sucker of titties
Sucker of titties! 😂
Little family trying to survive
Lion Dance
Mods may we please have images in comments
What is your bathroom like?
When morons show off
(I Don't Like You at All, Big Brother!!)
Maths is straightforward
Needle Threader
When 9 pillars of light appeared in the night sky above a coastal Japanese town.
could this mean anything?
This is my hot take
This helps you stay warm if you work at an office or at home
I get it’s environmentally friendly butt still
Most Racist man Alive
Heres another Jenny EPISODE
She wrecked his car, assaulted him & got instant karma
Who is this TO YOU?
Ladys & Gents, Got’emm.