Failed Day 34 - Onset of sadness?
Calling all adult children of Narcissistic Parents
Day 30 Progress stats!
Outside workouts in below freezing
Day 1 vs Day 29
Day 1 - Day 23 Motivation lull
“ I can’t eat this, but how exciting is it to smell it?”
What days were hardest for you?
Strength training work out videos
Cute/functional gym bag?
Working out everyday?
Dry lips this Cold windy winter season
Frustratingly failed, I need motivation to start again! Day 15. Help!!
Feeling Discouraged
What diet did everyone pick?
YouTube workouts
What if you lose/left your book somewhere else and aren’t able to get it before the day ends?
Day 12
protein count way off
Any feedback on my breakfast and lunch?
Some of you need to stop asking questions and just do 75H
Feeling pale and faint on 75 hard?
At some point I feel like my B belly isn’t just generic but maybe a medical issue. I don’t know anyone irl with a stomach like mine?
75 hard like routine for kids?
Negative weather layers