Casting call: Sleepy Hollow - The Modern Audio Drama
Cisgender actor asked to read for a trans role in final round of callbacks. When/how should I tell them that if this role is offered to me, I won’t accept it?
The struggle is real
Do you guys find it more beneficial to do a self aduition tape or go in person and aduition?
Self-tape: I was really feeling it. What are your thoughts?
It do be like that
Need a adult male who can do a country voice
Debt consolidation vs bankruptcy
I'm 44 and I am disgustingly unfulfilled. Career change?
Watch out for scammy, granny, tammy
Watch out for this user
I got an Unconditional Offer!!
What’s your day job?
I've seen online VA's yell in their video. How do they not get called on?
No one cares that you have a deep voice.
My acting coach really loves improv. Why?
The thirst is real
Shame on Broadsword. Shame.
Fun Fact: The rarest color for Twi'lek's is red, and are considered the most attractive in lore
Follow up on a post I made; warning all who get this solicitation
I’m so sick of the creeps on Backstage
Looking for an agent
Job post : Voice actor - Audio Erotica. 100 to 300 $ PFH
Checking to see if anyone else has gotten this kind of message